2024 Interns

  • Morgan Beckner

    I am 21 years old and from Iowa. I attend Central Christian College of the Bible and am getting a degree in Christian Ministries with the goal of doing full-time ministry when I graduate. I don't know where or exactly what yet, but I would love to work with kids! While at school, I fuel my passion for working with kids by teaching kids Sunday School at a church. For fun, I enjoy playing guitar, singing, being active by hiking, running, biking, working out, and spending time with friends.

  • Lilliana Coyle

    I am a Junior at Wheaton College. I am studying Elementary Education and Christian Formation & Ministry. I grew up in Minnesota and love being by the lake and outside. I also love skiing, ice skating, cooking/baking, exploring new places, and traveling. I hope to teach overseas after graduating and am slowly working on both my Spanish and Arabic proficiency. I grew up going to summer camps with friends and doing community work with my family, so I am excited to work with Mission Indy this Summer!

  • Audrey Hannum

    I have lived in Indianapolis my whole life, so Indy feels like my home and community. I am graduating from Taylor University in May with a Human Physiology & Preventive Medicine degree. In the fall, I will attend pharmacy school at Ohio Northern University. While I do not know what kind of career I want in the pharmacy field, I am passionate about educating people about their health and meeting people where they are to serve them. Outside of school, I love reading, playing violin, and writing. I was an Irish dancer for ten years leading up to college, and I still keep up with my friends dancing in my free time.

  • Addi Summers

    I was born in the Indianapolis area and have lived there most of my life, but I have not returned for a summer since starting college! I am currently a junior at Ozark Christian College studying Biblical Justice. While I am open to many routes this may take in the future; I hope to work with children and teens! I enjoy reading, being active, being outside, and music. I am excited to meet new people and build relationships through my summer internship at Mission Indy!

  • Heather Toland

    I was born and raised in the Indianapolis area, and am now a rising Junior at Indiana University Indianapolis. I am studying business with a minor in philanthropy, seeking a career in the nonprofit sector. I am heavily involved in my college ministry and church, Living Faith Indy. For fun, I love spending time with friends and family, playing piano and ukulele, looking at art, and exploring the city. I am so excited to serve my community and grow this summer with Mission Indy!