The Impact of MIssion Indy

Featuring people from the past through video and hearing their hearts about Mission Indy


The Impact of Partnership

This video series features a few of our partners for you to learn more about them. You'll also learn about the impact that the ministry and Mission Indy is making.



I love how much my teens looked forward to their group time at the end of the day. You would think an hour+ long group time would be dreadful for teens, but ours found so much value in that time. Several students on different days throughout the week would tell me at our worksite something to the effect of, 'Hey Isaac, we just had this awesome conversation and now I have something I want to share at group time tonight!' I even heard a statement like this from one of my teens who has never been on a trip like this and who often keeps to himself and is often 'unplugged'. Super cool, for me as a youth leader, to see the teens leaning-in in new ways!

- Isaac Hanny (Youth Leader Summer 2023)

I learned how to effectively lead a team and great as a Christian. I loved how each week had its own personality and new projects, allowing me to learn more about the city in which I live and the needs within. My favorite part of each project was listening to the story behind it: who we were helping, what their story was, and (most importantly) why what we were doing mattered. My favorite project would have to be helping prepare fro the construction of the B&O trail by clearing brush and tress (I won't ever forget when the third group came to help and walked up singing at the top of their lungs, bringing tons of energy with them). It was amazing to experience so many different things throughout the summer, and I would highly recommend this internship to anyone wanting to learn how to make an impact in their own communities. 

- Kaitlyn Beheler (Summer Intern 2021)

When I began Mission Indy this summer, I had no idea at all what I was getting into, but it soon became one of the most valuable experiences of my life. 

               - Samantha Burns (Summer Intern 2018)

Throughout this Summer, I have been blessed in so many ways, including through the gracious and warm nature of the Mission Indy staff. 

- Collin Cummings (Summer Intern 2015)

As I sit here and read about covalent and ionic bonding and chemistry, my mind tends to wander to other personal bonds that I have made, because, let's be real, personal bonds are more relevant than those chemistry ones, right? And they generally tend to last longer too. This past summer I had the awesome opportunity to be an intern at Mission Indy, an organization that teaches others how to serve, love and be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

 - Kendra Weber (Summer Intern 2013)